Author: James
Songkran Festival in mid April In Thailand, as also in the Dai People communities of Southern China [ where the Tai originated from ], the Tai Lao in Laos,and the Buddhist communities in
Cambodia and Myanmar, the Calender New Year is occassioned between 13 and 15 April each year. The Thai use a lunisolar calendar [ both the Sun rotation and
the moon phase rotation ] and the date was fixed on a solar calculation. The word '' Songkran '' is derived from the Indian sancript word '' Sankanta ''
which means '' a change or move ''. The dates are now fixed arbitarily but originally would move with the move of the sun on the vernal equinox. This occured
as a consequence of '' precession '' and the tilt of the earth and the effect of its orbit. Over the past the dates have changed but are now fixed
irrespective of the original rationale and what would otherwise be the astrological calculation. From a natural perspective the dates also signal the end of
the dry season.
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About the Author:James Andrew is of the writers at Thailand's World . To know more about Thailand, you can check out for more info.