I know that I lead a charmed life! Living on Koh Samui, working from home, must be one of the greatest privileges.
Each morning I sit at my balcony, with my coffee & gaze at the wooden house opposite. Dying to see inside. I know that the owner isn't here very often, she lives in a different part of Thailand. the house has been untouched since her Mother sadly passed away some 3 years ago
I made a mental plan, I would wait until the next visit by the owner to the house, & then ask her if she would rent it to me.. I don't know why, just too beautiful to be left empty. I don't need a house, I already live in the perfect place for me, a 40 year old village house, traditional Thai style on legs, wooden, simple & with tremendous character.
The day came, OH it would be the one day that I am suffering ill effects from the party the night before- I crawl out of bed, across the soi, meet the lady..she has no English, I have no Thai.
It was like Miss Haversham's house, time had stopped 3 years ago. Undaunted I struck a deal!
I now have the house on a very long lease...since that day I have poured love, sweat & money into the house, it is a beautiful home, new electrics, all clean & fresh, & painted, & scrubbed, & furnished, including some of my Thai Artisan pieces which look fab!

I couldn't resist it- now the house is ready to let & I am looking for tenants, for any length of time, who will appreciate the quiet here, the serenity of the house, the soft original wooden floors
Take a look & see what you think? Zen House is very special, a little bohemian, much loved